The DVB-S2X modulator is a low-complexity high-performance solution that allows for symbol rates of up to 250 MSymb/s (2 Gbit/s for 256-APSK) on state-of-the-art FPGAs. The IP core performs all tasks of the inner transmitter and complements the Creonic DVB-S2X receiver solutions (DVB-S2X demodulator and DVB-S2X LDPC/BCH decoder). The modulator expects BBFrames after mode adaptation as input and performs stream adaptation, FEC encoding, mapping, PL framing and modulation. The core can perform baseband interpolation and output gain adjustment. The output of the core is designed to be followed by a DAC and RF front end. Additionally, the core comes with a license option for the Creonic DVB-CID modulator.
DVB-S2X is the next generation satellite transmission standard which is an extended version of its well-established predecessor DVB-S2. The new specification allows for spectral efficiency gains of up to 50% by offering lower roll-off factors, higher modulations and a finer code rate granularity compared to DVB-S2.