Consists of a separate transceiver (transmitter) and receiver IP core implementing a point to multipoint communication channel bus. Many commercial aircraft use the ARINC 429 standard developed in 1977 for safety-critical applications. ARINC 429 utilizes a unidirectional bus with a single transmitter and up to twenty receivers.
DO-254 Tri-Mode Ethernet Media Access Controller (TEMAC) 1.00a
Key Features
- DO-254 ARINC 429 Transceiver:
- The DO-254 ARINC 429 Transceiver can send high-speed or low-speed messages with or without a parity bit.
- DO-254 ARINC 429 Receiver:
- The DO-254 ARINC 429 Receiver can decode high-speed or low-speed messages with or without parity checking. It has a label control matrix to filter out undesired messages.
- Mature source IP has been re-engineered for full DAL-A compliance for airworthiness and design assurance for safety-critical programs, supporting and simplifying the compliance effort at the FPGA level.
- Encrypted source along with a complete certification data package (CDP) including all artifacts required for chip-level compliance.
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- Tri-Mode Ethernet Media Access Controller (TEMAC)
- Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller
- Multi-channel, multi-speed Ethernet universal media access control (MAC) and physical coding sublayer IP (UMAC)
- Gigabit Ethernet Media Access
- 10 Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller (10GEMAC)
- 10/100 Mb Media Access Controller