The DB9000AVLN TFT LCD Controller IP Core interfaces a microprocessor and frame buffer memory via the Avalon Bus within Altera Qsys Integration (generating the System Interconnect Fabric) to a TFT LCD panel. In an Altera FPGA, typically, the microprocessor is a NIOS II or ARM processor and frame buffer memory is either on-chip SRAM memory or larger off-chip SRAM or SDRAM.
The vendor offers the DB9000 TFT LCD Controller for Altera FPGAs with the Avalon Interface, typically for small- to medium- resolution LCD panels, offering lower logic and power consumption advantages. The vendor offers the DB9000 with AMBA AXI3 / AXI4 Interface typically for medium- to high-resolution LCD panels where higher bus bandwidth access to Frame Buffer memory is required.