Circuit Camouflage Technology


Rambus Circuit Camouflage Technology (formerly Inside Secure), also known as SecureMedia Library (SML), is an anti-reverse engineering and anti-cloning protection for integrated circuits that has both Commercial and Government Applications. The Circuit Camouflage Technology significantly increases the level of difficulty while decreasing reliability of reverse engineering efforts of a circuit.

SML utilizes foundry standard cells, standard tools and design methodology, doesn't rely on coatings or shields, and provides a high return on investment for silicon manufacturers, chip makers wanting Intellectual Property protection and having products in high attack environments.

The SML is available in silicon technologies down to 28nm and Inside Secure is currently working on a project in FINFET 14nm.

With the Circuit Camouflage Technology, chip makers keep sensitive and strategic aspects of custom designs secret from competitors and counterfeiters, providing hardware protection to secure intellectual properties. Additionally, Inside Secure s Camo SmartFill provides high tamper resistance from unauthorized modifications to the design by filling the entire chip with circuitry allowing attackers no space in which to insert a Trojan circuit without destroying the underlying function of the ASIC.

Key Features

  • In summary, Inside Secure s Circuit Camouflage Technology together with Camo SmartFill:
  • Keeps designs secret from competitors and counterfeiters
  • Protects against state-of-the-art circuit extraction attacks
  • Is applicable to any CMOS process and any digital design
  • Significantly extends the security life of your product
  • Is low-risk technology that has been in practice for over 20 years
  • Easily applies to any standard cell design flow
  • Minimal impact area, performance, and power consumption
  • Camouflage of analog IP is also available
  • Secures design during device manufacturing

Block Diagram

Circuit Camouflage Technology Block Diagram

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
Available down to 28nm and FINFET 14nm
Silicon Proven
Semiconductor IP