The ASRC-lite (CWda50) is part of Coreworks family of multi-channel asynchronous Audio Sample Rate Converter (ASRC). This core can be used to interface digital audio equipments operating at different sample rates. It has been designed for systems that require a low-cost solution, maintaining low harmonic distortion and noise, and a high tolerance and rejection of input jitter.
The ASRC-lite can perform common sample rate conversions with less than -90 dB of Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (THD+N) and has a Dynamic range of 92 dB, supporting input data of 16-bit resolution.
The Coreworks ASRC series are implemented to support several key industry interfaces: TDM parallel, TDM serial, Parallel, I2S, SPDIF-AES3.
Coreworks offers a broad range of asynchronous sample rate converters targeted for variety of audio applications.
ASRC-Lite : 16-bit -90dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Sample Rate Converter
Key Features
- Fully digital audio asynchronous sample rate conversion
- Multi-channel audio, configurable up to 8 channels
- Automatically adjusts to input and output rate changes
- Input and output sample rate range: 8 kHz to 192 kHz
- Sampling rate conversion ratios from 1:12 to 7:1
- Supports multi-channel TDM serial/parallel audio, I2S, SPDIF, parallel handshaked
- High input jitter tolerance (small data bursts) and rejection capability
- Latency: 128/FSin + 2/FSout
- Lower than -90 dB THD+N for common conversion rates; greater than 92 dB Dynamic Range
- Real time reporting of sample rate conversion ratio
- Extremely fast synchronization time (128 input sample periods)
- Pre-synthesis Clkout configuration from 64xFSout to 1024xFSout
- Integrating this unique component will eliminate a discrete component in the bill of materials
- Support for both FPGA and ASIC with seamless transition
- Configurable architecture allows features to be changed upon request
Block Diagram

- Set-top boxes, professional and hi-fi audio
- Home Theater Systems
- Automotive Audio Systems
- Digital Audio Effects Processors
- Digital Audio Broadcast Equipment
- Verilog source code or FPGA netlist
- Verilog testbench for RTL simulation
- Synthesis constraints
- Datasheet
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Silicon and FPGA proven
Related IPs
- ASRC-Pro : 24-bit -130dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Sample Rate Converter
- 24-bit/-140 dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Async Sample Rate Converter
- I2S/TDM Serial Audio Interface with Asynchronous Sample Rate Conversion
- Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC) 8 channels
- Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC) 2 channels
- Sample Rate Converter (SRC)