APB4 Multiplexer


The AMBA APB v2.0 bus protocol – commonly referred to as APB4 – defines a low-cost interface that is optimized for minimal power consumption and reduced interface complexity. To enable a single APB4 Master to communicate with multiple APB4 Slaves (Peripherals) via a common bus, certain signals require multiplexing – the Roa Logic APB4 Multiplexer is a fully configurable & parameterized IP to provide this functionality.

Key Features

  • Full support for APB version 2.0 (APB4) protocol
  • Fully parameterized IP with:
    • User Configurable number of peripherals supported
    • User Configurable address and data widths
  • Support for user defined address mapping per peripheral

Block Diagram

APB4 Multiplexer Block Diagram


  • Full Source Code
  • Testbenches
  • Compilation Scripts
  • Documentation

Technical Specifications

Source Code Available Immediately
Semiconductor IP