BADGE works as a graphics engine in embedded systems, but doesn’t suffer from the short life cycles
affecting the usual graphics controllers. It is very flexible. Can interface to numerous types of processors,
memories and displays.
BADGE provides 2D graphics acceleration with single or multiple video streams (including text and graphics
overlay) and is an Intellectual Property (IP) core which can be used in both FPGAs and ASICs.
Advanced 2D Graphics Controller
Key Features
- Fully synchronous, synthesizable and technology independent RTL code
- Capable of drawing shapes such as pixels, lines and rectangles
- Capable of drawing text of various fonts, sizes and colors
- Capable of copying, resizing and recolor rectangles – e.g. “BitBlt” and ROP
- Capable of drawing/moving graphical objects – e.g. ”sprites”
- Supports multi-buffered frame memory – which eliminates flicker when graphical objects move
- Supports Analog Video – with external A/D circuit
- Support of alpha blending (2 variants)
- Supports Digital Video – SDI
- Anti-aliasing
- Text/Graphics overlay
- Hardware Window – Picture-In-Picture support
- Hardware-cursor support, by making use of sprites
- Programmable frame rate
- Up to 4096 x 4096 pixels display resolution
- Generic color depth up to 24 bits per pixel
- Supports several memory types such as ZBT-SRAM, SDRAM, DDR etc.
- Supports address mapped linear frame buffer or single address command based interface
- Generic data bus width between BADGE and video memory
- Supports several bus types such as Avalon (Nios), CoreConnect/OPB (PowerPC, MicroBlaze) and Intel Xscale CPU-bus
- CPU-data bus of 32, 16 and 8-bit supported
- BADGE has been used with displays such as:
- Sharp display LQ065T9DR51, 400x240 (WQVGA)
- Sharp display LQ057Q3DC12, 320x240 (QVGA)
- Samsung displays LTM150XH-T01, LTM150XH-L04, 1024x768 (XGA)
- AU Optronics A070VW01 7” 800x480 (WVGA)
- Supports serial LVDS and parallel LVTTL TFT-interface
- Supports DVI
- Supports Display Power Sequencing
- Supports DE Only Mode, for displays which do not use hsync and vsync inputs
- Support of Portrait mode
- A Test Pattern Generator is included, for debug purpose
- WinCE driver
- Linux driver (accelerated Frame Buffer for Linux New)
- API, for non OS users
- Benefits / Performance
- High resolution – 4096 x 4096 pixels
- High color depth – 24-bit color, plus alpha
- Quality graphics acceleration with subpixel rendering
- Flexibility
- Any display format, memory type and processor interface
- Scaleable for performance or cost
- Scaleable for small or large displays
- Any FPGA family and vendor
- Easy to adapt and modify
- Future proof
- Wide selection of available components and vendors, a multitude of FPGAs, packages and temperature ranges
- Surf the FPGA technology. Dramatic development of performance and price
- Product life cycle ownership
- Migrate when you choose
- Avoid EOL disasters
- Automotive,
- medtech,
- defense,
- industrial,
- microproccesors
- Readable source code or encrypted
- User and Programmers Guide
- Design and Simulation environment and setup (testbench, scripts, API SW etc)
Technical Specifications
Since 2005 (FPGAs). Silicon proven, used in commercial microprocessors since 2010
Related IPs
- 2D (vector graphics) GPU IP Further advanced architecture for minimized CPU load and increased pixel performance in vector processing
- 2D Vector Graphics Accelerator / GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)
- High-performance 2D (sprite graphics) GPU IP combining high pixel processing capacity and minimum gate count.
- 2D (vector graphics) & 3D GPU IP A GPU IP combining 3D and 2D rendering features with high performance, low power consumption, and minimum CPU load
- 2D Graphics Hardware Accelerator (AXI4 Bus)
- 2D Graphics Processor for Wearables/IoT