The AAC-LC Audio Encoder (CWda86) is an audio IP core for encoding up to 6 audio channels in real-time.
This core contains the AAC-LC encoder software and the Coreworks processor based hardware audio engine platform (CWda3011).
The software is compiled into an image file (.bin) which can be automatically boot-loaded through one of the control interfaces (parallel AMBA APB or serial SPI) and run on the audio engine platform with simple parameters setting.
The program can be configured, controlled and monitored by means of a configuration, control, and status register file, accessed by the control interfaces.
The audio input and output interfaces uses a native parallel interface. Other standard audio interfaces, such as I2S/TDM and SPDIF are also available.
The interface to the external memory can be one of the following: AMBA AXI (for ASICs or Xilinx FPGAs), Avalon (for Altera FPGAs) or MIG (for Xilinx FPGAs).
The CWda3011 platform is an instance of the generic CWdaXYZ audio engine platform. Other platforms are available for a different number of audio channels (from 2 channels, up to 32 channels). Please contact us to select the best solution for your requirements.
AAC-LC Audio Encoder
Key Features
- MPEG2/4 AAC-LC software employed Fraunhofer IIS high quality software which supports ISO/IEC 13818-7, ISO/IEC 14496-3 and Japanese ARIB standard
- Supported channel modes: mono, dual mono, stereo (2.0), 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1
- Supported sampling rates: 8, 16, 22.05, 32, 44, 44.1 and 48 kHz
- Supports multiple audio streams - limited to 6 audio channels in total (e.g. 3 stereo streams)
- Maximum 16-bit input audio resolution
- Requires 6.9 MB of external memory
- Configurable output latency useful to synchronize with other sources (e.g. video)
- Minimum latency: 1 frame for up to 2 channels, 2 frames for more than 2 channels per stream (input frame time is not included in these values)
- Software interface protocol for control, configuration and monitoring
- Parameter change while muting or repeating one frame
- Supported bitrate control modes: fixed framing, ABR and VBR
- Supported transport types: raw, ADTS, ADIF, LATM, and LOAS
- Real time operation @90 MHz for worst-case settings (maximum bitrate and maximum sampling rate). Results for other settings can be provided upon request.
- Low operation frequency
- Low power consumption
- Optimizable to fulfill different design specifications
Block Diagram

- Verilog source code or FPGA netlist
- Hardware datasheet
- Program binary
- Software manual
- Implementation constraints
- Simulation environment or evaluation board (optional)
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Silicon and FPGA proven