The W65Cx65 Microcontrollers have interfaces for
connected Things for sensing, processing, communicating and actuating (SPCA). The W65Cx65 Microcontrollers are
described with the Verilog HDL for use with both FPGAs and ASIC design and manufacturing flow.
WDC creates application-specific versions of the W65Cx65 for variants of the MAX10 technology.
The MAX10M08SA is first available on MyMENSCH™ Rev-C evaluation and developer board.
The W65Cx65 Microcontrollers have a CFM MyMENSCH Monitor for boot loading and debugging user code with WDCTools Assembly and C language support, Hardware Breakpoint Module (HBM), multipliers, divider, Unique Chip ID, ACIAs/UARTs, VIAs, User GPIO pins, SPI Master, I2C Master, initialized and memory protected RAM for User code from the USB developer port or User FLASH Memory (UFM), and varying amounts of data RAM.
Development tools are available for the creation of 65xx application code.
8-Bit Microcontroller Based on the W65C02
Key Features
- - Intel PSG MAX10M08 SA FPGA
- - ~8,000 Logic Elements Available
- - Operating Voltage – 3.3V
- - System Operation Speed – 14.7456 MHz
- - W65C02RTL MPU
- - W65C22RTL VIA (x3)
- - W65C51RTL ACIA (x2) on Rev-A and -B (x3) Rev-C
- - ACIA XTLI Operation Speed – 1.8432 MHz
- - W65CGPIO 5 register and 2 register
- - De-bounced Keypad GPIO_A
- - W65CHBM Hardware Breakpoint Module
- - SPI Master
- - I2C Master
- - WDC 2K byte for 2048 bytes of CFM MyMENSCH™ Monitor for boot loading and debugging code
- - 2K bytes 2048 bytes reserved for ADC
- - 30K bytes for a total of 30,720 bytes for User code SRAM boot loaded from USB or copied from UFM
- - 10K bytes for a total of 10240 bytes for data SRAM
- - JTAG available on MyMENSCH™ Rev-A on J4
- - 16x16 Hardware multiplier (x2 – Signed and Unsigned)
- - 32/32-bit Hardware Divider (not available)
- - 12-bit ADC (1x), 1 dedicated pin, 8 dual-function (digital IO or ADC) pins, Temperature Sense Diode
- - 172K bytes for a total of 176,128 bytes of User FLASH Memory (UFM)
- - 64-bit Unique Chip ID/serial number programmed in the Intel MAX10 factory
- -18,446,744,073,709,551,616 Unique IDs
- #NAME?
Block Diagram

- IoT
- Industrial Controls
- General Electronics
- Preprogrammed FPGA Devices
- Code Examples
- Datasheet Documentation
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
0.8u, .6u, .5u, .35u, .25u, .18u, .13u, 90nm
RTL Soft Core - 2+ years
FPGA specific deliverables available now; Can be converted to ASIC
In Production:
Pre-Silicon: 180nm G
Pre-Silicon: 180nm G