The DF6811 is an advanced 8-bit MCU IP Core, with highly sophisticated, on-chip peripheral capabilities. DF6811 soft core is binary-compatible with the industry standard Motorola 68HC11 8-bit microcontroller. It has an improved FAST architecture, that is approximately 4 times faster, compared to original implementation. In the standard configuration, the core has integrated on chip, major peripheral functions.
The Core can be provided in configurations, that match the following:
An asynchronous serial communications interface (SCI) and separate synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI), are included. The main 16-bit, free-running timer system has three input capture and five outputcompare lines and a real-time interrupt function.
An 8-bit pulse accumulator subsystem can count external events or measure external periods. Self-monitoring on-chip circuitry is included, to protect DF6811E from system errors. A computer operating properly (COP) watchdog system protects against software failures. An illegal
opcode detection circuit provides a non maskable interrupt if illegal opcode is detected.
Two software-controlled power-saving modes -
WAIT and STOP are available, to conserve additional power. These modes make the DF6811E IP Core especially attractive for automotive and battery-driven applications. The DF6811E has a built-in real time hardware on-chip debugger -DoCDTM, allowing easy software debugging and easy package validation at each stage of SoC
design flow.
8-bit MCU
Key Features
- FAST architecture, 4 times faster than the original implementation
- Software compatible with industry standard 68HC11
- 10 times faster multiplication
- 16 times faster division
- De-multiplexed Address/Data Bus to allow easy integration with external memories.
- Interrupt Controller
- Two power saving modes: STOP, WAIT
- Fully synthesizable, static synchronous design with no internal tri-states
- No internal reset generator or gated clock
- Scan test ready
Block Diagram

- Source code:
- VHDL Source Code or/and
- VERILOG Source Code or/and
- Encrypted, or plain text EDIF
- VHDL & VERILOG test bench environment
- Active-HDL automatic simulation macros
- ModelSim automatic simulation macros
- Tests with reference responses
- Technical documentation
- Installation notes
- HDL core specification
- Datasheet
- Synthesis scripts
- Example application
- Technical support
Technical Specifications
In Production