The royalty-free BA25 is a 32-bit processor for demanding systems running applications on general-purpose operating systems such as Linux and Android. The high-performance BA25 processor runs at high clock frequencies yet has a smaller silicon footprint than most competing application processors (e.g., over 1100MHz and from 145K µm2 in TSMC 28nm HPM, including the FPU, and excluding SRAMs).
The BA25 is binary-compatible with other members of the silicon-proven BA2x processor family. Its BA2 instruction set is relatively simple and extremely compact, offering system area and energy savings benefits. Programing is facilitated with the included C/C++ tool chain, Beyond Studio™ Eclipse-based IDE, architectural simulator, and ported C libraries, RTOSs, and OSs.
The royalty-free, high-performance BA25 processor core is suitable as the main system processor in a multitasking environment and is a competitive choice for designs running full operating systems such as Linux or Android.