The PCI-T32MF implements a target-only PCI interface compliant with the PCI 2.3 specification. It supports a 32-bit address/data bus and operates up to 33 MHz (PCI clock).
The core offers one to eight independent PCI functions in a single chip, each implementing 64 to 256 bytes of PCI Configuration Space registers as required. Each function supports up to six Base Address Registers, with both I/O and Memory space decoding from 16 bytes up to 4GB.
The PCI- T32MF builds on more than 15 years of CAST PCI IP exper-tise and has been designed for straightforward reuse, with proven design practices that ensure easy integration and smooth technology mapping. The core is available in synthesizable RTL or as a targeted FPGA netlist, and is delivered with everything required for rapid and successful integration and implementation.