The MVD Upconverter core is a drop-in module that converts multiple baseband I-Q signals to analog RF signal with AD9739 or AD9739A 14-bit RF DAC sampled at up to 2.5 GHz.
It includes the following functions:
An Interpolation x16 + RF Modulation per each independent RF channel
An Output Processing module which combines up to 32 independent RF interpolator channels
A clock management module
An OSERDES module which connects the LVDS IO to the RF DAC
A CPU BUS to configure the parameters of the Upconverter
2.5 Gb/s Digital RF Up Converter for AD9739A
Key Features
- Drop-in module for Spartan-6, Virtex-6, Artix-7, Kintex-7, Virtex-7, Zynq FPGAs
- Provides direct RF synthesis for baseband I-Q signals (DC to 1.25 GHz)
- Support for 2nd and 3rd Nyquist zone for carriers frequencies up to 3GHz+
- Includes clock management module
- Very low FPGA resources required
- 32 or 64 MHz minimum bandwidth per RF channel
- In-band ripple < 0.2 dB and SNR > 75dB
- Carrier frequency dynamically adjustable with sub-Hertz precision
- Dual 14-bit LVDS output busses directly tied to AD9739/A input data pins (compatible with 11-bit for AD9737A)
- Can be modified for using others RF DAC (please contact MVD)
- Fully synthetizable RTL VHDL design (not delivered) for easy customization
Block Diagram

- The Upconverter for AD9739/A is recommended for digital TV transmission and other telecommunication systems requiring low noise and adjustment free RF stages.
- Datasheet
- Netlist for core generation
- VHDL top file
- VHDL source code : can be delivered as an option under NDA and other specific clauses
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- The GF28SLPV25_ADC_13 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- The GF55LPEV25_ADC_13 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- The S55LLEV25_ADC_13 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- The GF22FDSOIV08_SARADC_05 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- 25 Gb/s AES-ECB 128/192/256 Crypto Cores
- Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter