16-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC with 10 Input Channels, XFAB 0.25um
The AR32X3A specifies a silicon proven, very low power sigma-delta ADC for high-precision measurement system. The IP employs multi-bit sigma delta architecture. It includes 10-to-1 input MUX, digital calibration, built-in bandgap reference and on-chip regulators for better noise immunity. The IP is fabricated in XFAB 250nm process and can be ported to other processes.
Key Features
- 16-Bit Data Conversion
- SNR > 85dB
- Sampling Frequency: 8KHz~48KHz
- 10-to-1 Input MUX for Multi-Channel A/D Sampling
- Wide-Range PGA Tuning
- Digital Calibration for Measurement Application
- I2S Digital Audio Interface (Optional)
- I2C, SPI, MCU Controlling Interface (Optional)
- Low Power Consumption (NDA Required)
- Small Core Area (NDA Required)
- Full Datasheet
- Application Note
- Integration Guidance
- Behavior Model
- GDSII Abstract (.LEF Format)
- Timing Library (.LIB Format)
- LVS Netlist (SPICE Compatible)
- Physical Design Database (GDSII Format)
- Silicon Validation Report
- AE Support
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
XFAB 0.25um
Mass Production
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