The 10Gbps Ultra Low Latency Ethernet IP solution offers a fully integrated IEEE802.3 compliant package for NIC (Network Interface Card) and Ethernet switching applications. This extremely low latency solution is specifically argeted for demanding financial, high frequency trading and HPC applications. As shown in the figure below, the 10Gbps Ethernet IP includes:
10G Ultra Low Latency Ethernet Solution
Key Features
- Ultra low latency MAC; Tx = 12.4ns , Rx = 15.5ns; (32-bit user interface mode)
- Ultra low latency 10GBase-R PCS; Tx = 12.4ns, Rx = 12.4ns which can be directly connected to transceiver in PMA only mode
- Ultra low Round Trip Latency (MAC + PCS + Transceivers) of 62.7ns (Tx user interface In to Rx user interface Out, Latency numbers with Altera Stratix-V Transceiver)
- Technology dependent transceiver wrapper for Altera and/or Xilinx FPGAs
- Statistics counter block (for RMON and MIB)
- MDIO and I2C cores for external module and optical module status/control
Block Diagram

- Compiled synthesizable binaries (Netlists) for the MAC and PCS cores
- Technology specific transceiver wrappers for the selected device family
- Source code RTL (Verilog) for I2C, MDIO, RMON and Register-File blocks
- Self checking behavioral models and test benches for simulation
- Constraint files and synthesis scripts for design compilation
- A complete PCIe interface based reference design with: Top level wrapper (source files, Verilog) for user specific customizations
- Source files (Verilog) for the PICe application layer
- Binaries for the L2 packet generator and checker
- PCIe driver/API (source files, C) for Linux
- GUI application (Windows and Linux) for interfacing to the reference design
- Design guide(s) and user manuals Getting started Guide
- Core user guide
- reference design user guide
- USA based technical support by developers
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- 10G Ultra Low latency, 32-bit MAC + PCS Solution (32-bit and 64-bit UI)
- 10G Low latency, 32-bit MAC + PCS @ 312.5MHz Solution (32-bit and 64-bit UI)
- Complete 1.6T Ultra Ethernet IP Solution
- Low Latency Ethernet 10G/25G MAC
- Ethernet Controller - Configurable MAC solutions for speeds from 10Gbps to 10Mbps
- 10G to 400G High Speed Channelized Ethernet Controller MAC/PCS/FEC