cryptography IP
from 29 vendors
High Capacity Post-Quantum Cryptography Processor (PQF-HW-LAT)
- ML-KEMSpecificFunctions(FIPS 203)
- ML-DSASpecificFunctions(FIPS 204)
- SupportsCNSA2.0quantum-resistant public-key algorithms
- Softwareecosystemssupport.
Post-Quantum Cryptography Processor (PQP-HW-COP)
- NIST FIPS-203 (ML-KEM) Kyber 512/768/1024
- NIST FIPS-204 (ML-DSA) Dilithium 44/65/87
- NIST FIPS-202 SHA3-224/256/384/512
Secure-IC Securyzr™ Tunable Cryptography solutions with embedded side-channel protections: AES - SHA2 - SHA3 - PKC - RSA - ECC - Crystals Kyber - Crystals Dilithium - XMSS - LMS - SM2 - SM3 - SM4 - Whirlpool - CHACHA20 - Poly1305
- Tunability for consumer requirements
- Security (different levels, SCA, FIA)
- Modes
- Area
Post-Quantum Cryptography IP: Crystals Kyber - Crystals Dilithium - XMSS - LMS
- 512 and/or 768 and/or 1024-bit secret key length
- Implementation protected against Side-Channel Attacks (Key Generation and Key Decapsulation operations are sensitive):
- Hybrid hardware-software tunable solution
- Tunable in performance or power/area
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) core with AMBA APB interface
- AMBA interface for ECC core
- AMBA APB slave interface
- No block RAM needed
- Low area consumption
RSA public key cryptography with APB interface
- For a typical 1024-bit keysize the modular exponentiation can be performed 25 times faster than a pure software implementation. A 1024-bit message can be encrypted (public key of 65537) in 50,000 clock cycles and decrypted in 3,600,000 clock cycles. The peripheral can also be used with software support for CRT based decryption and for generating keys. Using CRT can reduce the cycle count by 1/4.
- The core is very small; when targeting TSMC90LP at 200MHz it comprises only 17k gates for the logic and an equivalent 32k gates including all memories.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography IP
- Supported algorithms:
- Point multiplication
- ECDSA signature generation
- ECDSA signature verification
high-performance solution for elliptic curve cryptography
- Supported algorithms:
- Supported Elliptic Curves
- Optional Side Channel Attacks countermeasures
- Input/Output EC point verification
Unified Hardware IP for Post-Quantum Cryptography based on Kyber and Dilithium
- Turn-key implementations of the NIST FIPS recommended CRYSTALS post-quantum for key encapsulation (KEM) and digital signature algorithm (DSA)
Secure-IC's Securyzr Crypto Coprocessor with integrated Post-Quantum Cryptography IPs
- Scalable architecture and crypto engines for optimal performance/resource usage
- Configurable for perfect application fit
- 100% CPU offload with low latency and high throughput
- DPA countermeasures Full software/driver support