Regular eXpression Processor IP
from 12 vendors
VME System Controller with AXI4 user interface and 2eSST support
- AXI4 user interface
- 2eSST support
Process Monitor
- Monitors process of Regular threshold voltage (RVT), Thick oxide (TD), High threshold voltage (HVT) devices. It monitors the process of Resistor and Capacitor as well.
- Digital supply Voltage range is from 0.9V to 1.1V, typical voltage is 1V.
DDR SDRAM Controller - Pipelined for ispXPGA and ORCA4
- Performance of Greater than 100MHz (200 DDR)
- Interfaces to JEDEC Standard DDR SDRAMs
- Supports DDR SDRAM Data Widths of 16, 32 and 64 Bits
- Supports up to 8 External Memory Banks
DDR SDRAM Controller - Non-Pipelined
- Performance of Greater than 133MHz (266 DDR)
- Interfaces to JEDEC Standard DDR SDRAMs
- Supports DDR SDRAM Data Widths of 16, 32 and 64 bits
- Supports up to 8 External Memory Banks
Rx MPEG TS Interface
- De-buffering and de-jittering MPEG-TS packets
- Single clock (125MHz or higher)
- Supports CBR input streams only (a BYPASS mode is available for VBR input streams)
- Supports 188, 204 or 208 bytes packet input
- Separate PLLs for Tx and Rx
- Compatible with arbitrary numbers of parallel lanes
- 10bit datapath for TX and RX
- Flexible driver and receiver circuits compatible with LVDS, 4b current programming
Non-Power-of-Two FFT
- Sample Rates: Very high clock speeds
- FFT size: any size set of transforms (chosen at run-time) factorable into bases up to ~10
CCSDS (8160,7136) LDPC Decoder
- CCSDS compatible
- Rate 223/255 (8160,7136)
- Includes ping-pong input and output memories
- Up to 488 MHz internal clock
Low Power Multi-Rate SerDes
- Data rates of <200Mb/s to >8Gb/s
- Compatible with SGMII, SATA, FibreChannel, JESD 204, V-by-One
Lancero Scatter-Gather DMA Engine for PCI Express
- PCIe I/O performance: 200 MB/s x1 Gen 1 up to 3360 MB/s x8 Gen 2
- Easily connect logic and high-speed I/O peripherals to PCI Express
- Target Bridge supports Avalon Memory Mapped custom logic
- SGDMA Engine supports Avalon Streaming burst access devices