Welcome to the ultimate ONFI IP hub! Explore our vast directory of ONFI IP cores
The ONFI IP cores are used to access the external NAND flash for high speed transactions of multiple pages of read or write data taking advantage of the pipeline performance of newer enterprise NAND flash devices.
All offers in
from 20 vendors
- The PHY design supports the newly introduced NV-LPDDR4 mode along with SDR, NV_DDR, and NV_DDR2, NV_DDR3 mode.
ONFI 5.0 NAND FLASH Controller Compliant to JEDEC
- ONFI v5.0 compliant + Up to 2.4GByte/s.
- All I/O modes implemented + SDR + NV-DDR + NV-DDR2/3 + NV-LPDDR4
- Wide hardware support + Four 8-bit data paths + 8 NAND targets each + Data bus inversion.
- Full PLL support + PLL within PHY + 10MHz SDR + 1.2GHz NV-LPDDR4 + Everything in between
ONFI Flash Controller
- AXI System Interface
- NAND Flash
ONFI 4.1 NAND Flash Controller & PHY & IO Pads on 16nm
- Page Size – 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, 16KB
- Bank/chip select options
- Programmable timing
ONFI 4.1 NAND Flash Controller & PHY & IO Pads on 28nm
- Page Size – 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, 16KB
- Bank/chip select options
- Programmable timing
ONFI 4.1 NAND Flash Controller & PHY & IO Pads on 12nm
- Page Size – 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, 16KB
- Bank/chip select options
ONFI 4.0 NAND Flash Controller & PHY
- • Support ONFI 4.0, EZ – NAND, Standard ClearNAND, Advanced ClearNAND
- • Support standard asynchronous NAND flash
- • High performance from 40MT/s to 800MT/s
- • High density NAND flash up to 1024 Gb
Universal NandFlash Controller
- The Universal NAND Flash Controller (IPM-UNFC) IP core is designed specifically to enable commodity Flash memory to be effectively used in enterprise storage applications requiring high reliability and large interconnect bandwidth.
- Using the pre-validated IPM-UNFC IP allows greatly reduced time-to-market for storage OEMs desiring higher IOPS benefitting from lower cost SLC, MLC , TLC & QLC NandFlash memory.
NAND Flash Memory Controller with DMA
- ONFI 4.0 support
- BCH EDAC with up to 60 bits correction capacity per 1024 bytes chunks of data
- Randomization of memory data
- Basic timeout based SEFI detection and reporting
ONFI 3.2 NAND Flash Controller
- Compliant to ONFI revision 3.2 standard
- Supports NV-DDR2 mode of operation supporting up to 200MHz
- Supports NV-DDR mode of operation supporting up to 100MHz
- Supports legacy Asynchronous devices operating from 10MHz to 50MHz