The USB Type-C and Power Delivery VIP is fully compliant with standard USB PD Rev 3.1 V1.8, TYPE-C-Rev2.2 specifications and Type-C Port-Controller Interface-Spec-Rev2.0 Ver1.3. This VIP is a light weight with an easy plug-and-play interface so that there is no hit onthe design cycle time.
USB Type-C and Power Delivery Verification IP
Key Features
- Compliant with standard USB PD Rev 3.1 V1.8, Type-C Rev2.2 & USB type C Port controller interface Rev2.0 V1.3.
- Supports enabling USB4 (Gen 2/Gen 3/Gen 4) over type C Connectors.
- Supports both Standard Power range (SPR) and Extended Power range (EPR) modes of operation.
- Supports all Fixed voltage supply, Programmable power supply (PPS) and Adjustable Votlage supply (AVS).
- Suppports collision avoidance in ATM sequence between source & sink.
- Supports TCPM Provider, TCPM Consumer, TCPC Provider, TCPC Consumer, Provider, Consumer, Consumer/Provider, Provider/ Consumer testing.
- Supports Power Negotiation (with user controllable source/sink power capabilities).
- Supports Role swapping (PR_swap, DR_swap, FR_swap and Vconn swap).
- Supports VDM messages for Alternate mode to configure SS signaling lines to Display port.
- Supports Built In Self Test (BIST).
- Supports Hard Reset, Soft Reset, and Cable Reset.
- Supports GoToMin, Get_Sink_Cap and other control messages.
- Support BMC signaling of Physical Layer.
- Supports SOP*, Hard Reset, Cable Reset ordered set generation.
- Supports Dead Battery Operation Testing.
- Supports Optional communication with System Policy over USB.
- Supports attach/ detach and plug orientation detection.
- Rich set of configuration parameters to control Type-c functionality.
- Supports debug accessory mode.
- Supports functionality of DRP, DFP, UFP and DRP_accessory.
- Supports multiplexing for transmit & receive path of SS & HS signaling.
- Supports Randomization on PD objects fields such as volatage and current with or without error injection.
- Supports Type-c Voltage and Current Advertisement.
- Supports dynamically configurable modes.
- Strong Protocol Monitor with real time exhaustive programmable checks.
- Supports Dynamic as well as Static Error Injection scenarios.
- On the fly protocol checking using protocol check functions, static and dynamic assertion.
- Built in Coverage analysis.
- Provides a comprehensive user API (callbacks).
- Graphical analyser to show transactions for easy debugging.
Block Diagram