The FHG USB2 DEV is a scalable, high performance IP-Module for usage in ASIC- and FPGA-designs to
integrate high-/full-speed USB 2.0 device functionality with SRP (Session Request Protocol) to an embedded system. It provides an ease of use programming interface for the usage of almost every 16/32 bit microcontroller or DSP. The core supports direct RAM access as well as several DMA modes for data exchange with the main memory.
The FHG USB2 DEV supports up to 16 pipes. Pipe 0 is reserved to work as bi-directional control pipe. Every other pipe can be configured with an endpoint number and transfer parameters.
USB 2.0 High/Full-Speed Device Core
Key Features
- Fully compliant to USB Specification 2.0 and the On-The-Go Supplement, Revision 1.0
- Fully compliant to UTMI Specification 1.05 and UTMI+ Specification 1.0
- Fully compliant to UTMI+ Low Pin Interface Specification 1.0
- 60 MHz (for 8 bit UTM interface) or 30 MHz (for 16 bit UTM interface) system clock
- High-/Full-Speed device capability(480Mbps/12Mbps)
- Supports Session Request Protocol (SRP) defined in the On-The-Go supplement
- Scalable number of endpoints (max. 31)
- Supports all transfer types (Control, Interrupt, Bulk and Isochronous)
- Pipe direction, transfer type and fifo size can be configured during run-time
- Supports enhanced large buffer management
- Automatic retry for corrupted data packets
- Configurable for 16 or 32 bit data interface (64 bit in preparation)
- AMBA AHB ready (AHB slave interface for configuration, AHB master DMA interface or AHB slave interface with Dual-Port RAM for payload data)
- AHB interface testet with Synopsys Amba Verification Suite
- lternatively, a Dual-Port RAM interface available with scalable memory size
- PCI ready
- Suspend/Resume/Remote Wakeup support
- Technology independent, fully synchronous RTL implementation
- PCI evaluation module available
- Generic USB Device Software Stack with several class drivers available
- With the features described above, the FHG USB2 DEV brings an USB interface to your system, which is highly efficient from software’s point of view:
- All USB related timing critical features are realized in hardware. Therefore, for normal operation softwarehas only to manage the enumeration process.
- Once a pipe or channel is established, the only task of the software is to provide data buffers (entire USB protocol is managed by hardware, including data toggle, retry, polling of periodic pipes, ping protocol). This reduces the number and frequency of software interrupts to an minimum.
- The required interrupt latency time does not depend on the timing required by the USB packet level, but on the size of data buffers and pipe bandwidth.
- Typical USB devices working with the USB High-Speed Device Controller Core are for example hard disk devices, multimedia devices, mobile phones, high speed network or industrial applications which require high bandwidth, low latency data transport.
- One of the following LICENSES:
- VHDL source code for ASIC designs
- Synopsys Design Ware Component for ASIC designs
- VHDL/Verilog Netlist for FPGA designs (Xilinx/Actel/Altera)
- (Other license models upon request)
- The DESIGN KIT contains the following parts:
- The IP component, depending on the selected license
- VHDL/Verilog pre-compiled simulation models
- VHDL/Verilog USB 2.0 compliance test suite
- IP integration guideline
- Synthesis scripts
- Optional:
- PCI evaluation board
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Any ASIC technology
Industrial use
Related IPs
- USB 2.0 Device IP Core
- USB 2.0 On-The-Go IP Core, Compliance Certified
- USB 3.0 Device IP Core
- USB 2.0 Device Controller version 4 with Active Clock Gating to save active power
- USB 2.0 Hi-Speed OTG Controller Subsystem w/AHB Interface Supporting HSIC (config. as Device only or Full Speed only)
- SD/SDIO Device IP Core