E801 is has the lowest cost and lowest power consumption among T-Head processors. It achieves the optimization of chip cost through a minimalistic instruction set and pipeline, and is applicable to traditional 8-bit MCU scenarios.
Ultra-low-cost 32-bit processor
Key Features
- Instruction set: T-Head ISA (32-bit/16-bit variable-length instruction set);
- Pipeline: 2-stage;
- General register: 16 32-bit GPRs ;
- Bus interface: Single bus;
- Tight coupling IP: Interrupt controller and timer;
- Multiplier: Slow multiplier;
- Interrupt response acceleration technology: Enhances the system's real-time performance to allow users to quickly enter the corresponding service program.
Block Diagram
- Wireless connectivity;
- Smart Home Appliances.
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- 32-bit RISC Processor To Deliver High Performance In Low-Cost Microcontroller Applications
- Highest code density, Low Power 32-bit Processor with optional DSP
- Low power 32-bit processor supporting single precision floating point in hardware
- Fault-tolerant 32-bit SPARC V8 processor
- Efficient 32-bit Processor with Custom Instructions
- High-performance 32-bit multi-core processor with AI acceleration engine