The Xilinx SPI-4 Phase 2 core provides a fully compliant Packet-Over-SONET/SDH (POS) solution, which can be quickly integrated into networking systems.
Through user-configurable options, the Xilinx SPI-4.2 core provides ultimate flexibility while seamlessly interoperating with industry leading ASSPs to maximize the data transfer bandwidth. The Xilinx SPI-4.2 core is fully compliant with the OIF's System Packet Interface Level 4 (SPI-4) Phase 2 standard, as well as the SATURN® Development Group's POS-PHY Level 4 (PL4) interface specification.
SPI-4 Phase 2 Interface Solutions
Key Features
- Up to 700 MHz DDR on SPI-4.2 interface supporting 1.2 Gbps pin pair total bandwidth
- Supports Static and Dynamic Phase Alignment utilizing ChipSync™ technology
- Bandwidth optimized source core achieves optimal bus throughput without additional FPGA resources
- Flexible clocking options utilizing DCM, PMCD, global, and regional clocking resources
- SelectIO™ technology supports flexible pin assignment
- Configurable 64-bit or 128-bit user interface, both supporting full bandwidth capabilities
- Supports unsegmented burst sizes up to 16K
- Optional continuous DPA window monitoring
- Optional advanced DPA diagnostics
- Multiple core support: more than 4 cores can be implemented in a single device
- Sink and Source cores independently configured through Xilinx CORE Generator™ system for easy customization
- Supports 1 to 256 addressable channels with fully configurable SPI-4.2 calendar interface
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- FPD LVDS Display Interface, 1 Port / 2 Port LCD Panel
- UART with Synchronous CPU Interface
- All Digital Phase Locked Loop
- UART with FIFOs and Synchronous CPU Interface
- UART with FIFOs, IrDA and Synchronous CPU Interface
- Silicon solutions & Protocols and Software applications for Ultra Wideband Technologies