The IV-ROT IP implements a full rotation (0-360°) algorithm for high resolution images like HD (1920x1080p30/ 1920x1080p60). The maximum resolution is 2048x2048.
The throughput of the design is 1 pixel per cycle on 3 components 8bit each (e.g. RGB or YUV444). The rotation process requires about 1 frame delay through external SDRAM/DDR. The picture content can be interlaced or progressive. De-interlacing is recommended (iv-deint)
Programmable parameters are:
- pictures size xy
- rotation base xy
- rotation angle Δω
- rotation size xy
Program parameters changes are applied during vertical blanking. The algorithm requires about 3 full frame storage. Rotation starts when one full picture is written to memory. Processed pixel are directly displayed.
Real Time Video Image rotation HD up to 1920x1080p60Hz
Key Features
- Free programmable full
- picture rotation (0-360°)
- Resolution up to 2048x2048
- 1pixel per clock throughput
- Programmable Angle
- inc-Omega = 0.022 °
- Programmable Base
- x/y = 1pix
- Cropping option selectable
- Padding options
- Rotation Shape (Rectangular, others in 64x64 tiles)
- Bandwidth efficient architecture
- Low processing delay : ~1 Frame
- Real time rotation based on single register input value.
- Zoom option available (up to 4x)
- Verilog 2001 compatible code
- Customized for your application
- Integrated to your existing code
- Easily interfaced to standard I/O standards
- Excellent code and expression coverage
- FPGA proven design
- Real time demos available
- Application support available
- HDL Source Licenses
- Synthesizable Verilog 2001 RTL* (VHDL option available)
- Self checking Verilog Testbench **
- VCD dump option
- Expected results generator
- Simulation script
- Test stimuli vectors
- Test config vectors
- Generic API optional available
- Coverage reports
- Synthesis script
- IP Documentation
- Netlist Licenses
- For FPGA platforms: XILINX, Lattice, Altera
- For ASIC: please ask
Technical Specifications
Products with XILINX Virtex2, VirtexPro 2, SPARTAN6
Related IPs
- Real Time Image Rectification for HD pictures up to 1920x1080p60Hz
- JPEG 2000 Encoder - Up to 16-bit per Component Lossy & Numerically Lossless Image & Video Compression
- Real time clock with APB interface
- Lossless JPEG Encoder - Up to 16-bit per Component Numerically Lossless Image & Video Compression
- Timer IP, Real Time Clock, Clock cource: 100MHz APB bus or 32768Hz input, Soft IP
- APB Real Time Clock