DO-254 UART Serial Interface Controller 1.00a
UART compatible Serial Interface Controller with Receive and Transmit FIFOs and support for bit rates from 9600 to 921600 baud. UART is used extensively in test equipment and is the simplest way to to control your FPGA-based system using a micro-controller, PC or remote device.
Key Features
- UART Compliant
- - Simple command interface
- - Baud rates from 9600 to 921600
- - Custom baud rates also supported
- - Receive and Transmit FIFOs
- - 8-bit data word width
- - 1 or 2 stop bits
- - Even, odd, mark, space or no parity
- - Rx and Tx interrupt flags
- - Rx FIFO full interrupt flag
- - Rx parity error flag
- Mature source IP has been re-engineered for full DAL-A compliance for airworthiness and design assurance for safety-critical programs, supporting and simplifying the compliance effort at the FPGA level.
- Encrypted source along with a complete certification data package (CDP) including all artifacts required for chip-level compliance.
Technical Specifications
March 2014
Related IPs
- DO-254 AXI Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 1.00a
- DO-254 AXI Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) 16550 1.00a
- DO-254 I2C Master Serial Interface Controller 1.00a
- UART with Synchronous CPU Interface
- UART with FIFOs and Synchronous CPU Interface
- UART with FIFOs, IrDA and Synchronous CPU Interface