CAN 2.0 Network Controller
The Inventra™ MCAN2 is a stand-alone controller for a Controller Area Network. It provides an interface between a microprocessor and a CAN bus which carries out all the actions of data encoding/decoding, message management, bit timing and resynchronization involved in transmitting and receiving data over a CAN network. The MCAN2 implements the BOSCH CAN Message Transfer Protocols 2.0A and 2.0B. Specification 2.0A is equivalent to CAN 1.2 and covers standard message formats (11-bit identifiers); specification 2.0B covers both standard and extended message formats (both 11-bit and 29-bit identifiers). The MCAN2 is broadly compatible with a Philips SJA1000 working in its PeliCAN mode. Its CPU interface is compatible with the Peripheral Virtual Component Interface (defined by VSIA) for ease of connection to a range of microprocessor buses.
Key Features
- Supports full CAN 2.0 - both 2.0A (equivalent to CAN 1.2) and 2.0B
- Supports 11-bit & 29-bit identifiers
- Supports bit rates from less than 125KBaud to more than 1MBaud
- 64-byte Receive FIFO
- Synchronous PVCI *-compatible CPU interface for easy connection to a range of microprocessors
- Acceptance filtering
- Software-driven bit-rate detection allowing hot plug-in support
- Listen-Only & Self-Reception modes
- Self Test option
- Interrupt generated for each bus error
- Arbitration lost interrupt with record of bit position
- Read/write error counters
- Programmable error limit warning
- Broadly compatible with Philips SJA1000 in its PeliCAN mode
- Fully synthesizable
- Verified against Bosch CAN2.0 test suite