AXI System Monitor Analog/Digital Converter
The AXI Sysmon ADC IP Core is a 32-bit slave peripheral that connects to the AXI4 (Advanced eXtensible Interface) and provides the troller interface for System Monitor (SYSMON) hard macro on Virtex®-6 family of FPGAs. This document describes the specifications for AXI Sysmon ADC IP Core.
Key Features
- AXI4-Lite interface is based on the AXI4 specification
- Connects as a 32-bit AXI4-Lite slave
- Uses dedicated System Monior (SYSMON) hard macro on Virtex-6 devices
- Supports 10-bit, 200-kSPS (kilo-Samples Per Second) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- Supports on-chip monitoring of supply voltages and temperature
- Supports 1 dedicated high bandwidth differential analog-input pair and 16 auxiliary low bandwidth differential analog-input pairs
- Supports automatic alarms based on user defined limits
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- System Monitor Wizard
- AXI Performance Monitor
- AMBA AXI Performance Monitor
- XPS System Monitor/Analog Digital Converter
- Voltage Detect Vdet=2.5V Vhys=0.1V, generate a high/low level logic for a precise power supply monitoring system; UMC 90nm SP/RVT LowK Logic Process
- Voltage Detect Vdet1=2.8V,Vhys1=0.1V, Vdet2=2.6V, Vhys2=0.1V.Vdet2 rsie delay>10ms, fall delay<1ms. Generate high/low level logic for a precise power supply monitoring system; UMC 55nm eFlash Process