KASUMI is a 64-bit block cipher which uses a 128-bit key. It forms the basis of the confidentiality (f8 or UEA1) and integrity (f9 or UIA1) algorithms which provide data security for signalling and user data within the GSM, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS standards.
Helion provides KASUMI-based IP cores to perform the f8 (UEA1) and f9 (UIA1) algorithms. The f8 core can also support the GSM A5/3 and GPRS GEA3 encryption algorithms. They are available in versions for use in ASIC, as well as Altera and Xilinx FPGA. In common with all Helion IP cores they have been designed with each technology firmly in mind to yield the most efficient results.
3GPP KASUMI f8 and f9 cores
Key Features
- Implement 3GPP f8 confidentiality and f9 integrity to 3GPP TS 35.201
- Both cores support KASUMI ECB mode encryption to 3GPP TS 35.202
- f8 core generates 64-bit wide keystream output data
- f9 core performs bit padding of last block and outputs 32-bit MAC-I
- Both cores support throughputs up to 700 Mbps in Altera Stratix III
- Ideal for use in Altera FPGA based GSM/EDGE and UMTS applications
- f8 core fully supports GSM A5/3 and GPRS GEA3 encryption algorithms