10Gb+ Ethernet MAC
The 10Gb+ Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) transmits and receives data between a host processor and an Ethernet network. The main function of the 10Gb+ Ethernet MAC is to ensure that the Media Access rules specified in the IEEE802.3ae standard are met while transmitting a frame of data over Ethernet. On the receive side, the Ethernet MAC extracts the different components of a frame and transfers them to higher applications through a FIFO interface.
Key Features
- Compliant to IEEE 802.3-2005 standard, successfully passed University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) 10GbE MAC hardware tests
- Supports standard 10Gbps Ethernet link layer data rate
- Supports rates up to 12Gbps by over-clocking
- 64-bit wide internal data path operating at 156.25MHz to 187.5MHz
- XGMII interface to the PHY layer (using IODDR external to the core)
- XAUI interface to the PHY layer (using PCS/SERDES external to the core)
- Simple FIFO interface with user's application
- Optional Multicast address filtering
- Transmit and receive statistics vector
- Optional statistics counters of length from 16 to 40 bits for all devices (statistic counters are external to the core)
- Programmable Inter Frame Gap
- Supports:
- Full duplex operation
- Flow control using PAUSE frames
- VLAN tagged frames
- Automatic padding of short frames
- Optional FCS generation during transmission
- Optional FCS stripping during reception
- Jumbo frames up to 16k
- Inter frame Stretch Mode during transmission
- Deficit Idle Count
Block Diagram