XMAC core from Flowgic Inc. is a full-duplex, 10-Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller(MAC) IP designed to meet IEEE 802.3ae-2000 specification. XMAC is an efficient, flexible and robust implementation of the MAC and RS layers.
Flowgic offers free download of XMAC core.
10 Gb/s Ethernet MAC
Key Features
- In-band START(/S/) and TERMINATE(/T/) control character insertion
- Preamble/Start-of-Frame Delimiter Insertion
- Option to replace MACD, MACS, ETHERTYPE and VLAN/PRI fields in the transmitted frame with values from registers
- Frame Check Sequence(FCS) computation/insertion and extraction/checking
- Frame Transmit Error Propagation
- Frame delineation using control characters, preamble/SFD in the ingress direction
- Handling different kinds of errors and recovery
- Inter Frame Gap(IFG) that meets Deficit Idle Count rules
- Insertion of additional IDLEs to meet WAN-PHY rate limit
- Reconciliation sub-layer(RS) implementation including Local Fault/Remote Fault handling
- Simple System-side interface
- SDR line-side interface or option to use DDR XGMII interface
- MDIO STA for management of PHYs
- Generic CPU interface for access to Control and Status registers
- Flow-control handling in both transmit and receive directions
- Comprehensive statistics vectors and optional statistics counter block
- Low Gate Count
- Flexible Design
- Designed for Reuse & Testability
- Proven Design Methodology
- Customization Options
Block Diagram

- Functional Specification
- RTL Database
- Functional Verification Environment
- Synthesis Scripts
- Timing Report
- User Guide
Technical Specifications