32-Bit Microprocessor IP
from 16 vendors
Binary-compatible with the industry standard 68000 32-bit microprocessor
- Software compatible with 68000 industry standard
- MULS, MULU take 28 clock periods
- DIVS, DIVU take 28 clock periods
- Optimized shifts and rotations
Cortex M1
- 32-bit RISC architecture (ARMv6-M)
- 32-bit AHB-Lite bus interface
- Three-stage pipeline
- 4-GB memory addressing range (the upper 0.5 GB is reserved)
High Data Rate Modulator
- Versatile digital modulation engine
- Programmable constellation mapper supports multiple constellations from BPSK to 256QAM
- Supports offset-QPSK (OQPSK)
- Supports continuously variable symbol rates
DO-254 AXI4-Lite IPIF 1.00a
- Supports 32-bit slave configuration
- Supports read and write data transfers of 32-bit width
- Supports multiple address ranges
- If there is a simultaneous read/write on AXI, read has the higher priority over write
DVB-S2 Demodulator
- Excellent performance
- Supports QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK & 32APSK modulations
- Supports VCM operation
- Normal and short frame sizes
32-bit version of 8-bit 65C02 microprocessor
- Object code compatible with 65C02
- Fully synchronous design
- No microcode; All control via state machines
- On-Chip Debug assist hardware included in design
32-bit version of 8-bit 65C02 microprocessor
- Object code compatible with 65C02
- Fully synchronous design
- Added operating modes for 16 and 32 bit operands
- No microcode; All control via state machines
LatticeMico32 Open, Free 32-Bit Soft Processor
- Memory controllers
- I/O
Ethernet Statistics
- Ethernet Statistics has been merged with TEMAC v5.1 and higher
- Example designs are provided for use with the following Xilinx Ethernet MAC cores - Virtex-6, Virtex-5, and Virtex-4 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC - Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC- 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC
- Generates between 20 and 64 individual statistic counters
- Supports 32-bit or 64-bit counter widths
80188EB 16-bit microprocessor
- Multiplexed 20-bit address and 8-bit data bus
- 1M-byte memory space divided into 4 segments
- 64K-byte IO space
- Non Maskable Interrupt support