I2C - Verifies I2C communication, ensuring protocol compliance and error-free data transfer


I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a low-speed communication protocol designed for embedded systems. As a Verification IP (VIP), it simulates and validates I2C interfaces, ensuring accurate data transmission, addressing, and error handling.

This VIP supports various device roles, data rates, and stress-testing scenarios, such as clock stretching and multi-master configurations, ensuring reliable communication in applications like sensor interfacing and memory device validation

Key Features

  • Protocol Compliance Verification: Verifies that I2C communication adheres to the protocol standards. Ensures correct start/stop conditions, acknowledgments, and data integrity between devices.
  • Master and Slave Simulation: Supports simulation of both master and slave devices to ensure correct functionality in each role. Validates bidirectional communication between devices.
  • Addressing Mechanism Testing: Ensures proper device addressing by simulating multiple devices on the bus. Verifies that each device responds correctly based on its unique address.
  • Timing and Clock Behavior Verification: Validates timing parameters such as clock stretching, setup/hold times, and bit rates. Ensures synchronization between devices according to the specified timing requirements.
  • Error Handling and Recovery: Simulates error scenarios like arbitration loss or noise and checks the recovery process. Verifies that the system can handle errors and continue reliable communication.

Block Diagram

I2C - Verifies I2C communication, ensuring protocol compliance and error-free data transfer Block Diagram

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP