Ethernet Switch IP
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Ethernet Switch IP
Ethernet Switch IP
from 7 vendors
Multi Protocol Endpoint IP Core for Safe and Secure Ethernet Network
- "Ethernet/TSN/ARINC664P7 EndSystem with customizable number of ports up to 1 Gbps.
- Support IEEE 1588 PTPV2 as GrandMaster or User
- Safe & Secure Ethernet communication
- Multi-protocol
Multi Protocol Switch IP Core for Safe and Secure Ethernet Network
- "TSN/Ethernet/ARINC664P7 Switch with customizable number of ports up to 1 Gbps.
- Support IEEE 1588 PTPV2 as GrandMaster or User
- Safe & Secure Ethernet communication
- Multi-protocol
Multi Protocol Switch IP Core for Safe and Secure Ethernet Network
- "Ethernet/TSN/ARINC664P7 Switch with customizable number of ports up to 1 Gbps.
- Support IEEE 1588 PTPV2 as GrandMaster or User
- Safe & Secure Ethernet communication
- Multi-protocol
1G Deep Buffering Memory Ethernet Switch IP Core
- Delivers Performance
- Highly Configurable
- Easy to use
- Silicon Agnostic
1G Ethernet Switch IP Core
- Up to 16 ports configurable at compile time
- Configurable queuing behavior (round-robin, fair queuing)
- Supports Ethernet Multicast
- Ultra compact size
1G Deep Buffering Memory Ethernet Switch IP Core
- QoS features like classification, queuing and priorities included
- Automatic MAC address learning and aging
- Supports buffering of up to 128 MB in DDR
- Extensive statistic reporting
Ethernet Synthesizable Transactor
- Supports Full MII/RMII/SMII TX/RX functionality
- Supports Mac control and data frames support
- Ability to generate VLAN tagged and Priority tagged frames
- Supports Pause frame detection and generation
Ethercat Synthesizable Transactor
- Supports ETG.1000 S(R) V1.0.3 specification
- Supports Low Voltage Differential signaling interface
- Supports MII, MDIO RMII and RGMII Interface as per the ISO/IEC 8802-3 specification
- Supports RMII and RGMII Interface
Ethernet 10GBase-KR Synthesizable Transactor
- Supports 10G as per 802.3:
- Supports XGMII
- Supports XTBI (i.e Output of 8b/10b PCS)
- Supports 10GBASE-KR with scrambler
Ethernet XGMII Synthesizable Transactor
- Follows XGMII specification as defined in IEEE 802.3
- Supports Mac control and data frames support
- Ability to generate VLAN tagged and Priority tagged frames
- Supports Pause frame detection and generation