Cadence VIP Enables Users to be First-to-Market with Mobile Devices Leveraging Latest MIPI, LPDDR3 and USB 3.0 OTG Standards
The mobile devices market is simply exploding, with smartphones shipment going up to the sky, tablets emerging so fast that some people think it will replace PC (but this is still to be confirmed…). This lead mobile SoC designs to integrate increasingly more features, to support customer needs for more computing power and sophisticated video, audio and storage. To support these new features, improving both performance and power, new interface standards have emerged, that SoC designers need to integrate, under an ever increasing time to market pressure, opening the door for external sourcing of new functions (Design IP) and the need for solutions that can accurately test the functionality of their design and ensure manufacturing success (Verification IP). Cadence has pretty well defined the problematic (see image): it’s too hard to verify from scratch, as it requires too much time, effort and expertise.
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