What Apple Stuffed Inside iPhone 6 Plus

A8 SoC from TSMC

Cabe Atwell
EETimes (9/19/2014 07:40 PM EDT)

Love it or hate it, there's no question that Apple's iPhone line is popular, and while the numbers haven't officially been announced yet, the company has already broken its record for pre-orders online (roughly 4 million in a 24-hour period compared to the iPhone 5’s 2 million). The new smartphone comes in two flavors -- the 6 and the 6 Plus. In this teardown, we focus on Apple's flagship, the larger "phablet" 6 Plus.

The phone comes in three colors, including silver, gold, and "space grey" instead of the typical dirt-absorbent white of the earlier models. It's interesting to note that iFixit gave the new lineup an improved repairability score of 6/7 out of a possible 10, because of the phone now has an easily removable battery and the fingerprint cable no longer rips off when opening the case. Enough about the iPhone's aesthetics and sales numbers, let's get down to business and see what makes the 6 Plus tick!

  1. iPhone 6 Plus
  2. Case features
  3. Display takes serious real estate
  4. Apple A8 APL1011 SoC stars
  5. Lots of hardware in a small space

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