Post-quantum CRYSTALS-Dilithium Digital Signature IP Core from ResQuant supports key generation, signing and signature verification operations for II, III and IV level of security.
Dilithium is scheduled as default & preferred mechanism for performing Digital Signatures from 2025 and mandatory from 2030 by US National Security Agency (NSA).
ResQuant will include any further updates proposed by NIST to the final standard.
CRYSTALS-Dilithium - Post-Quantum Digital Signature IP Core
Key Features
- Dynamic selection of security level
- Works with SHA3 and SHA2 hash functions
- Can utilize external source of randomness
- Can be provided with all required 3rd party modules (hash function, TRNG)
- Offers additional scalable performance or area optimizations
- Achieved very good performance-to-resources consumption ratio
- Performance results achieved on Intel Cyclone V (in clock cycles):
- LVL II - Key Gen - 15134, Sign - 25731, Verify - 16394
- LVLIII - Key Gen - 25684, Sign - 40087, Verify - 27181
- LVL V -Key Gen - 43180, Sign - 62850, Verify - 45407
- Any further updates proposed by NIST to the final standard included.
- Vendor-independent.
- Tunable performance and area usage.
- Fully digital design.
- Fully standard compliant.
- Easy to integrate.
- Several bus interfaces available: AXI4, SPI, I2C, UART.
- IP core designed in-house at ResQuant.
- Strong technical support by the original designers and cryptographic experts.
Block Diagram

- Automotive
- Space
- Military
- Telecommunication
- Banking
- Government
- Technical specifications document including user manual, Integration guideline, Test Plan
- VHDL RTL code
- VHDL test bench and scripts for simulation
- SW driver
- Support for integration
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
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