High-efficiency, AI-based super resolution IP


The AI-SR series IPs offer super resolution solutions for enhancing video quality and pixel resolution, primarily used for post-processing or display applications. Currently consisting of AISR1000 and AISR2000 IPs, this series enables generation or transfer of low-resolution sources for bandwidth reduction and performance improvement, while ensuring high-quality, high-resolution displays at the edge.

In addition to high performance, low power consumption, and small silicon footprint, AI-SR series delivers robust pixel processing features, including detail recovery, crispy edges, and thinning lines with jaggy-free results, resembling the orginal high-resolution image. With these features, AI-SR series is well suited for a wide range of applications, including consumer electronics, gaming, data centers, surveillance, and healthcare.

The AI-SR series operates in streaming mode, making it easy to integrate into pixel processing pipelines. It come with a lightweight, easy-to-use software stack, and is compatible with Android, RTOS, and any distribution of Linux systems.

Key Features

  • Performance
    • AISR1000: up to 4Kx2K@60fps
    • AISR2000: up to 4Kx2K@144fps
  • Interfaces
    • FLEXA PSI for data input and output
    • APB interface for configuration
  • Input and Output Formats
    • YUV444, 10-bit data for each component
  • Pixel Processing Features
    • High quality Super Resolution solution with support for any scaling ratio at [1x, 5x]
    • Recover more fine details and texture naturally
    • Crispy edge with jaggy removed
    • Clear, sharp and thinning like original resolution
    • Robustness to meet different sources with diverse quality
  • Software Support
    • OS support: Linux, Android, RTOS
    • Light weight software driver

Block Diagram

High-efficiency, AI-based super resolution IP Block Diagram

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP