The Real Time Clock (RTC) is a clock-calendar IP core that keeps track of the “Time of Day”. The core is organized as a series of BCD counters that counts Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Months and Years (Time Units).
The RTC seconds counter time base is generated from a clock input that is separate from the system clock. The time-base for the seconds counter is nominally 32.768 kHz. To aid in precision, there is programmable terminal count (divisor) for this clock. Calibration accuracy is controlled by software.
APB Real Time Clock
Key Features
- Clock / Calendar (BCD Format)
- Alarm Mode for each “Time Unit”.
- Repeat Alarm Mode for each “Time Unit”.
- AMBA APB Interface.
- Interrupt control for Alarms.
Block Diagram

- Verilog Source
- Complete Test Environment
- APB Bus Functional Model
- C-Sample Code
Technical Specifications
Silicon Proven