APB Pulse Width Modulator
The APB PWM Module is a standard APB peripheral that generates a programmable duty cycle output signal. The frequency of the output waveform is either PCLK/256 or PCLK/4096, depending on whether a 4-bit prescaler is enabled. The duty cycle can be programmed with 8-bit resolution from either the APB interface or from an external controller interface. The output can be disabled or enabled. Disabling resets the counter to zero for the next enable.
Key Features
- 256 and 4096 prescale
- Prescale and non-prescale modes
- 4bit prescaler
- 8bit counter/accumulator
- Strobe and Data input for synchronization
Block Diagram

- Verilog Source
- Complete Test Environment
- APB Bus Functional Model
- C-Sample Code
Technical Specifications
Silicon Proven