Scalable Switch Fabric


The NeuraScale Scalable Switch Fabric is a WeaveIP™ advanced system IP solution that is designed from the ground-up to provide non-blocking switching between a large number of UALink™, Ultra Ethernet, or AMBA ports for the emerging scale-up and scale-out systems. ​

Extreme port density is achieved while maintaining near lowest theoretical latency, tight latency-bandwidth curve and simple physical design with design tiles. While the NeuraScale fabric is optimal for single SoCs, with the emerging 3D chiplet technology, the fabric’s unique chiplet–ready design, the resultant silicon footprint advantage and ease of physical implementation unlock a substantially greater scale than traditional crossbars.

The NeuraScale fabric is highly configurable and delivers the benefits of the non-blocking, crossbar without the downsides of extremely intensive implementation needed for the higher end port counts, along with the inherent limitations that accompany cross bar switches in terms of scaling to high port counts. ​

NeuraScale’s distributed approach does not compromise latency, in fact maintaining extremely low latency through wide buses and large port count. The flexibility offered in implementation allows easier access to all edges of the chiplet for I/O and PHYs to create larger scale through chiplets.​

Key Features

  • Low Latency and Peak Bandwidth
    • Provides near-perfect, non-blocking KPIs with ultra-low latency
    • Delivers crossbar performance without explosion in wires, gates and wiring congestion for larger port counts.
    • Full throughout across random and organized traffic
  • Massive Scale
    • Can support 256 ports per SoC or chiplet at 1 Tb/s
    • Up to 256 chiplets each with 16 TB/s D2D bandwidth
    • 32 TB/s switch port bandwidth per chiplet
  • Rapid Design, Integration, Faster Time to Market
    • Software-driven configuration, analysis and design
    • Simplified integration into switch and rest of SoC
    • End-to-end readiness and post-silicon tuning
  •  Compelling Flexibility
    • Software-driven flexible design
    • Topological, port count, feature set customization
    • Transport architecture shared with other Baya fabrics
  •  Ease of Implementation
    • Chiplet-ready, fabric design, fully digital implementation
    • Small footprint, allows much greater flexibility for large capacity switching
    • Modularity allows for easy implementation, space for I/O
  • Advanced Features, Service Management
    • Multicasting capability
    • Configurable management of oversubscribed ports
    • Reliability Availability and Serviceability (RAS)

Block Diagram

Scalable Switch Fabric Block Diagram

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP