High performance DSP core with VLIW/SIMD/decoupled architectures


NeuroMatrix® Core 3 (NMC3) is a high performance DSP core with VLIW/SIMD/decoupled architectures. The core includes a 32-bit RISC processor and a 64-bit VECTOR co-processor to support vector operations with elements of variable bit length. The NMC3 core has been silicon proven. It has scalable performance and original instruction set.

Key Features

  • 32/64-bit RISC Core
  • 3 scalar instructions per clock cycle (ALU operation, address modification and memory read/write operation)
  • 64-bit Vector Coprocessor (fixed point):
  • Programmable data length from 2 to 64 bits packed to 64 bit data words
  • Basic operation is matrix by matrix multiplication
  • Two saturation operations execution per clock cycle
  • Performance (MAC - Multiplication and Accumulation per clock cycle) -
  • 2 MAC for 32-bit data
  • 4 MAC for 16-bit data
  • 24 MAC for 8-bit data
  • 80 MAC for 4-bit data
  • 224 MAC for 2-bit data
  • 1K*64 bit Instruction Cache
  • Up to 4 External Address Generators
  • Up to 4 Internal Memory Banks Support
  • AXI 3.0 External Memory Interface
  • Up to 32 External/internal Interrupts Support
  • Two 32-bit Timers
  • DMA controller


  • Hydro- and radiolocation
  • IR and video processing
  • Artificial Neural net emulation
  • Navigation
  • CDMA - TDMA base stations
  • Vector and matrix computations

Technical Specifications

Available now
Semiconductor IP