All offers in
from 15 vendors
8b/10 Decoder
- 8b10b decoding
- Can be cascaded for 16b20b decoding
- Supports industry standard comma “K” symbols
- Pipelined design
BCH Error Correcting Code ECC
- Asynchronous operation
- No clocks required.
- No storage like memories SRAMS/ROMS/FilipFlops used
- No iterative Feedback in the pipeline
BCH Encoder/Decoder IP Core
- Full hardware implementationfor maximum performance, encoding, errordetectionand correct
- Balanced performance/gatecount
- All Galois fields covered
- ValidatedIP reducesTime-To-Market
Hamming Code ECC
- Encoder:
- Decoder
FireCode FEC
- Encoding and decoding is performed in 0 clock cycles.
- No iterative Feedback in the pipeline
- No RAMS/ROMS used.
DVB-RCS2 Modulator
- Compliant with DVB-RCS2
- Support for Pi/2-BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, and 16-QAM
- Support for all linear burst modulation waveforms specified in Annex A
- Output baseband-filtered and gain adjusted samples
DOCSIS 3.1 LDPC Decoder (PLC / NCP / Data)
- Soft-Decision Demapper, Derandomizer, Deinterleaver, Depuncturer, and LDPC Decoder are included
- Support for 4k and 8K FFT sizes
- Support for 16-QAM modulation
DVB-GSE Encapsulator and Decapsulator
- Compliant with ETSI TS 102 606-1 V1.2.1 (Annex D, DVB-GSE Lite)
- Support for multi-protocol encapsulation (IPv4, IPv6, MPEG, Ethernet, etc.)
DVB-RCS2 Multi-Carrier Receiver
- Compliant with ETSI EN 301 545-2 (DVB-RCS2)
- Support for Linear Modulation Bursts of Table A-1
- Optional support for Spread-spectrum Linear Modulation Burst waveforms of Table A-2
- Support for BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM
DVB-S2X Wideband BCH and LDPC Decoder
- Compliant with DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X
- Support for decoding of BBFRAMEs
- Support for ACM, CCM, and VCM