• Specially designed for high performance with MTD Drivers Linux subsystem
• Support for 8-bit NAND-Flash chips
• Reading speed up to 40 MB/sec
• Hardware checksum calculation
• Asynchronous DMA-Master interface allows CPU context switch during transaction, reducing CPU load
• Bulk read operations are supported to reduce number of interrupts
• Interfaces:
8-bit parallel NAND-Flash interface
32-bit AMBA AXI Master
APB Slave for configuration
Linux MTD drivers are available
NAND Flash Controller
Key Features
- DMA-Master NAND Flash memory controller
- 8-bit NAND-Flash interface
- Hardware checksum calculation
- Several memory pages transfer per transaction
- Minimal CPU overhead
- Linux MTD driver
- Verilog source code
- Verilog test bench and Verification environment
- Software driver for Linux OS
- Example synthesis scripts
- Documentation
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- NAND Flash Controller
- NAND Flash controller supporting MLC Flash with multi-bit correction BCH ECC code
- Complete memory system supporting any combinations of SDR SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, Mobile SDR, FCRAM, Flash, EEPROM, SRAM and NAND Flash, all in one IP core
- AHB Compliant Nand Flash Controller
- NAND Flash controller for synchronous ONFI 2.1 NAND device, SLC/MLC support with BCH code
- 1KB/ECC40 NAND Flash BCH Encoder/Decoder