Coordinates Conversion IP
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All offers in
Coordinates Conversion IP
Coordinates Conversion IP
from 3 vendors
Additive White Gaussian Noise Generator
- High precision AWGN Channel emulator.
- Programmable Pseudo Random Generator(LFSR).
- Programmable number of output bits.
Arctan Function
- Function y = atan(x)
- Input range between 0 and 1
- Output range between 0 and Pi/4 radians
- Uses a quadratic polynomial with dynamic coefficients
4-Quadrant Arctan Function
- Function φ = atan2(y,x)
- Inputs as 12-bit signed
- Output as 19-bit signed
- Output range between -Pi and Pi radians
Cosine Function
- Function y = cos(x)
- Input range between 0 and Pi/2 radians
- Output range between 0 and 1
- Uses quadratic polynomial with dynamic coefficients
SinCos Function
- Combined function y = sin(x), y = cos(x)
- Input range between -Pi and Pi radians
- Output range between -1 and 1
- Input values as 18-bit signed
Sine Function
- Function y = sin(x)
- Input range between 0 and Pi/2 radians
- Output range between 0 and 1
- Uses a quadratic polynomial with dynamic coefficients
Floating Point Megafunctions
- Floating-point computation performance is typically a balanced combination of the frequency at which the operators run and the pipeline latency of the operator hardware. This product yields a measure of GFlop performance metric. When designing for maximum GFlop performance in an FPGA, the total number of operators that can be placed in an FPGA is vital. As such, you can parameterize the Altera floating-point megafunctions in many different ways to fine-tune GFlop performance (or, similarly, for other key metrics such as power and area) to meet the application-specific requirements. The configurable features include: