Programmable 32-bit Watchdog Timer


CoreWatchdog is an APB slave that provides a means of recovering from software crashes. When enabled, the core will generate a soft reset if the microprocessor fails to refresh it on a regular basis. CoreWatchdog is based on a decrementing counter which can assert a reset signal if it is allowed to time out. The width of the decrementing counter can be configured as either 16- or 32-bits. Processor-accessible registers in CoreWatchdog provide a means to control and monitor the operation of the core.

Key Features

  • Optimized for use with Cortex-M1, CoreMP7, and Core8051s
  • Configurable 16-Bit or 32-Bit Timer
  • Runs from the APB Clock (PCLK)
  • Prescale Provides Clock Division by up to 1,024
  • Supplied in SysBASIC Core Bundle

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP