Scatter-Gather DMA - AXI4-Stream to/from AXI4 Memory Map Transfers


The Digital Blocks DB-DMAC-MC-AXI4-MM-STREAM Verilog RTL IP Core is a Multi-Channel Scatter-Gather DMA Controller that transfers data between AXI4 Memory Map and AXI4-Stream Interfaces.

Key Features

  • 2 Dedicated DMA Channels, 1 each for data transfers for the following:
    • Host Memory to Peripheral (AXI4-Memory Map to AXI4-Stream)
    • Peripheral to Host Memory (AXI4-Stream to AXI4-Memory Map)
  • DMA Channel Features:
    • Scatter-Gather Descriptor Processor Engine
    • Descriptor FIFO to queue descriptors
    • Read & Write DMA Controller Engines
    • Data FIFO
    • Unaligned data transfers with byte realignment & using byte strobes
    • Advanced algorithm mapping AXI4-Memory Map address to/from AXI4-Stream sideband TID, TDEST, TUSER
    • Control / Status Registers accessible via APB/AXI4-Lite Interfaces
    • Parameters for FIFO width and depth
  • AXI4 Interfaces:
    • AXI4-Memory Map Read Channel
    • AXI4-Memory Map Write Channel
    • Two AXI4-Stream Interfaces
    • Programmable Data Bursts: 1, 4, 8, 16 (fixed) and 1 – 256 (AXI4)
    • 4 KB boundary crossing detection & resizing of AXI transaction
    • Arbiter allows 2 Descriptor Engines and DMA Data Read to share single AXI4-Memory Map Read Channel to Host Memory
    • AXI4 Data Widths: 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 / 128 / 256 / 512 / 1024
  • Interrupt Controller
  • Configurations with more DMA Channels and AXI4-Stream Interfaces sharing same AXI4-Memory Map Read/Write Channels

Block Diagram

Scatter-Gather DMA - AXI4-Stream to/from AXI4 Memory Map Transfers Block Diagram


  • Verilog RTL Source or technology-specific netlist.
  • Comprehensive testbench suite with expected results.
  • Synthesis scripts.
  • Installation & Implementation Guide.
  • Technical Reference Manual.

Technical Specifications

Successful in Customer Implementations
Semiconductor IP