Implements a 32-bit low-power RISC processor that delivers better performance than most processors of its size. Designed for deeply-embedded systems or as an auxiliary processor in larger systems, it is an especially effective choice for wireless communication, analog peripherals management, or other mixed-signal functions in energy-and cost-sensitive applications.
This royalty-free 32-bit processor core is binary-compatible with other members of the silicon-proven BA2x processor family. Its BA2 instruction set is relatively simple and extremely compact, offering system area and energy savings benefits. Programing is facilitated with the included C/C++ tool chain, Eclipse IDE, architectural simulator, and ported C libraries, RTOSs, and OSs.
32-bit Low-Power Embedded Processor
Key Features
- Low Power 32-bit Processor
- Small silicon footprint (less than 10k gates) for lower leakage and dynamic CPU power
- Two-stage pipeline architecture
- BA2TM Extreme Code Density for lower instruction fetching energy
- Advanced power management
- Dynamic clock gating and power shut-off of unused units
- Software- and hardware-controlled clock frequency
- Wake-up on tick timer or external interrupt
- Processing Efficiency
- 2.5 Coremarks/MHz
- 125+ MHz on TSMC 65nm LP
- Optional Processor Units
- Programmable Vectored Interrupt Controller Unit
- Memory Protection Unit
- Timer Unit
- Debug Unit
- MDB support
- Trace port support
- ROM patching Unit
- Floating Point Unit
- Hardware Multiplier/Divider
- Available Pre-Integrated Platforms
- Microcontroller peripherals such as GPIO, UART, Real-Time Clock, Timers, I2C, and SPI
- Memory controllers, interconnect IP, and more
- Reference Design Board for eval. or rapid development start
- Easy Software Development
- Non-intrusive JTAG debug/trace for both CPU and system
- Complex chained watchpoint and breakpoint conditions
- BeyondStudio™ complete IDE for Windows or Linux under Eclipse
- Ported libraries and operating systems
Block Diagram
- The royalty-free, energy-efficient BA21 processor can be employed as a replacement for existing 8-bit and 16-bit processor market, or used as secondary, housekeeping or peripheral controller processor in complex SoC designs, and it suitable for a wide-range of deeply embedded applications such as:
- Mixed signal embedded processing
- Wireless communications ICs (e.g. Bluetooth, Zigbee, GPS)
- Industrial Microcontrollers
- Wireless, battery-powered, or ultra-low-cost devices.
- The core is available for ASICs in synthesizable Verilog source code or for FPGAs in optimized netlists.
- It includes everything required for successful implementation: extensive documentation, a testbench, a sample SoC design, sample synthesis and simulation scripts, and the BeyondStudio™ Eclipse-based software development IDE for Windows and Linux.
- Reference designs on FPGA boards are also available; contact CAST Sales for information.
Technical Specifications
Production Proven
Related IPs
- Low-power 32-bit RISC-V processor
- RISC-V ARC-V RMX-100 Ultra-low Power 32-bit Processor IP for Embedded Applications
- 32-bit RISC-V embedded processor with TÜV SÜD ISO 26262 ASIL B certification
- ARC HS34 32-bit processor core, ARC V2 ISA, for embedded applications
- ARC HS36 32-bit processor core, ARC V2 ISA, for embedded applications
- ARC HS38 32-bit processor with MMU, ARCv2 ISA, for embedded Linux applications