Smart Card Reader Controller Core


Implements an interface and controller for communicating between smart cards and host systems using a variety of standard system interfaces.

The SCR supports the ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 and EMV2000 4.0 specifications, which define the electrical signals and transmission protocols for smart cards (also known as integrated circuit cards). It acts as a communication controller, passing data to and from the host system and the smart card. It is fully-featured, and can activate and deactivate cards, perform cold/warm resets, handle ATR response reception, and execute other essential functions.

The SCR consists of the core smart card reader logic with a wrapper for the desired system interface. (AMBA APB and Wishbone interfaces are available; support for other bus interfaces is optional.)

The core is fully synchronous for easier testing and is designed for efficient ASIC or FPGA implementation. It requires, for example, just 6,500 ASIC gates and operates at 300 MHz (TSMC 0.13).

Key Features

  • Supports the ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 and EMV’2000 4.0 specifications
  • Performs functions needed for complete smart card sessions, including:
  • Card activation and deactivation
  • Cold/warm reset
  • Answer to Reset (ATR) response reception
  • Data transfers to and from the card
  • Extensive interrupt support system
  • Adjustable clock rate and bit (baud) rate
  • Configurable automatic byte repetition
  • Handles commonly used communication protocols:
  • T=0 for asynchronous half-duplex character transmission, and
  • T=1 for asynchronous half-duplex block transmission
  • Automatic convention detection
  • Automatic voltage class selection
  • Adjustable FIFOs for Receive and Transmit buffers (up to 32k characters) with threshold
  • Configurable timing functions:
  • Smart card activation time
  • Guard time
  • Timeout timers
  • Supports synchronous and any other non-ISO 7816 and non-EMV’96 or EMV2000 cards
  • Standard system interface wrapper architecture for easy integration with host systems
  • Fully-synchronous design suitable for scan-based testing
  • Available in synthesizable HDL source code (versions for FPGAs also available)

Block Diagram

Smart Card Reader Controller Core Block Diagram


  • Smart cards embed a computer chip in a credit-card sized plastic card, and are gaining global popularity for a variety of applications, including:
  • personal identification
  • mobile phone personalization
  • credit/debit functions
  • satellite TV security
  • health care records storage


  • HDL RTL source code (ASICs) or post-synthesis EDIF netlist (FPGAs)
  • Sophisticated HDL Testbench including external FIFOs, buffers, models of interfaces, and the core
  • Simulation script, vectors, expected results, and comparison utility
  • Synthesis script (ASICs) or place and route script (FPGAs)
  • Comprehensive user documentation, including detailed specifications and a system integration guide

Technical Specifications

Production Proven
Semiconductor IP