PQPlatform-SubSys (PQP-HW-SUB) is a cryptographic subsystem, designed to provide cryptographic services. These services include post-quantum signature generation, verification, and secure key establishment. PQPlatform-SubSys uses its built-in CPU to run autonomously from the surrounding system, allowing cryptographic services to be offloaded efficiently from the system processor.
? Optionalside-channel security (SCA) for post quantum cryptographic algorithms
? Hardwareinterfaces for secure key import/export
? PQShield’s supplied firmware, running inside PQPlatform-SubSys
? Firmwaredriver running on customer CPU (delivered as C source code)
Post-Quantum Security Subsystem (PQ-HW-SUB)
Key Features
- KeyEncapsulation
- NISTFIPS203ML-KEM(512,768,1024)
- NISTSP800-56A
- Digital Signatures
- NISTFIPS204ML-DSA(44,65,87)
- HASHAlgorithmsupportincluding
- SHA-2HWsupport
- NISTFIPS-202SHA3-256/384/512
- NISTFIPS186-4and186-5compliant
- ANSSIX9.142-2020compliant
- KeyManagement
- SecureKeyImportandExport
- FirmwareUpdate
- SupportforSecureFirmware download to update functionality
- Allcryptographic algorithms are timing side-channel resistant
- Optionalnon-invasive side-channel (power, EM) attack countermeasures for PQC (post-quantum cryptography) algorithms
- EaseofIntegration : PQPlatform-SubSys uses industry-standard AXI interfaces allowing simple integration in typical systems