CoreMACFilter provides a solution for SmartFusion®2 and IGLOO®2 integrated media access control (MAC) address filtering. The core provides the external filtering mechanism based on unicast (UCAD) / multicast (MCAD) / broadcast (BCAD) flags. It implements the desired mechanism to pass the frames to upper layer, so that, upper layer determines to reject or accept the frames. In case of the CoreMACFilter usage ten-bit interface (TBI) to external physical coding sublayer (EPCS) core need not to be used.
media access control (MAC) address filtering
Key Features
- Provides advanced peripheral bus (APB) interface for control and status register access
- Supports unicast, multicast, and broadcast type of packets
- Supports hash based address filtering for unicast and multicast packets
- Provides mechanism to the upper layer to reject or accept the frames
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- Multi-channel, multi-speed Ethernet universal media access control (MAC) and physical coding sublayer IP (UMAC)
- Gigabit Ethernet 802.3 MAC - Media Access Controller
- Fast Ethernet 802.3 Media Access Controller (MAC)
- Media Access Control Security (MACSec)
- Gigabit Ethernet Media Access
- 10 Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller (10GEMAC)