AMBA 3.0 AHB to APB3 bridge


CoreAHBtoAPB3 (AMBA 3.0 Bridge) is an AHB slave and AMBA 3 APB master that provides an interface (bridge) between the high-speed AHB domain and the low-power APB domain. The CoreAHBtoAPB3 interfaces with CoreAHB/CoreAHBLite through the AHB interface, or CoreAPB3 through the APB interface. Address decoding for the APB is carried out within CoreAHB2APB, and this provides select signals for up to 16 APB slave slots. Read and write transfers on the AHB are converted to corresponding transfers on the APB. CoreAHBtoAPB3 supports an AHB or AHB-Lite slave interface connected to an AHB or AHB-Lite mirrored slave interface (for example, CoreAHB or CoreAHBLite) as well as an AMBA 3 APB master interface that connects to an AMBA3 APB mirrored master interface (for example, CoreAPB3).

Key Features

  • Bridges between Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB) and Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB)
  • Automatic connection to CoreAHB/CoreAHBLite and CoreAPB3 in SmartDesign
  • AMBA 3 APB compliant
  • Allows Easy Connection of APB Devices to a processor subsystem
  • Can be auto-stitched to AHB and APB3 slave devices in SmartDesign
  • Fully compatible with Cortex-M1, and AMBA IP cores

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP